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Do you ever feel...
Would you like to...
Do you struggle with...
- Stressed out or anxious?
- Frustrated with the status quo?
- Unsatisfied, unfulfilled, or that you
just don't fit in?
- Have more confidence and certainty?
- Rise above the dramas?
- Flow through your days with ease and peace?
- Relationships?
- Letting go of grudges?
- Handling unexpected challenges?

If you can relate to many of the above questions, it means that you're living from a level of consciousness that's keeping you stuck in old patterns and beliefs established over many years. SHIFT is a journey to other levels of consciousness, ones that support and nurture you by honouring the essence of who you really are. It's not mysterious or even spiritual. It's simply an understanding that, at the core of your being, there's a level of consciousness that is wise and wonderful. If you struggle with believing that, it simply means that you've forgotten your magnificence.
SHIFT gently reminds you that you may be leading your life based on a false identity, an identity unconsciously constructed on a belief system adopted from your culture. SHIFT gives you permission to be more of yourself while deepening your understanding and acceptance of those around you.
Through the SHIFT program, you'll learn to connect with a higher level of consciousness, one which provides compassionate resilience and tenacity in the face of the tough stuff that always shows up. You'll get in touch with inner courage based on confidence in your innate capacity to be creative, resourceful, and whole. Ultimately, you'll discover that ease and flow aren't only possible... they become a way of conscious living.
Hi, I’m Sheila Kelly
Consciousness Raiser and
Director of The Big Yes Centre for Transformation
Certified professional coach, experienced leadership development partner, and your partner in transformation
I've coached hundreds of middle and senior managers over thousands of hours. No matter the reason people give for coming to coaching, transformation happens when they feel understood, acknowledged, and accepted. From there, we address issues which , ultimately, revolve around relationships.... with yourself and those around you. I provide tools that helps clients engage with the level of mind/consciousness that is calm, focused, and wise. Part of the process is recognizing the voices of "the saboteurs"—the internal voices in your head that generate negative emotion and keep you limited as you handle life's everyday challenges.

My greatest joy is helping people SHIFT into awareness of their true essence... that aspect of themselves that is wise and wonderful. For me, that's the magic bullet to lifechanging transformation. Sheila M. Kelly, SHIFT
Can an 8 week program really accomplish all that you promise, Sheila?
I used to ask clients for 6 months of weekly sessions with me to ensure that they got the results they were looking for. Of course, that equates to 24 individual sessions.
What's changed?
I've discovered that a process known as Positive Intelligence (PQ) accelerates transformation by shifting clients into an awareness of a level of consciousness which it calls Sage... the wise and wonderful aspect which is actually anchored in the human brain. The process is grounded in neuroscientific research* The clients I've taken through the program use words like "amazing, transformative, and life-changing" to describe its impact. I could sell you the PQ app on its own; however, without tooting my own horn, I know it's alchemy between me and my clients that an essential part of the accelerated transformation.
I always recommend participating in the program with colleagues, friends and/or family to accelerate the process. Being part of the PQ community means connecting with others, sharing common experiences, and celebrating all the wins along the way.
Let's Talk Stress
One of the biggest barriers to being your best, most authentic self is stress. We've been taught that stress is a necessary part of life, that it helps motivate us, and that it makes us more productive. It's just not true as born out by statistics that tell us that stress costs employers billions of dollars; more importantly, these costs are fed by personal costs... employees who are experiencing anxiety, sleepless nights, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, and high blood pressure, all of which can lead to even more serious health problems.
Shirzad Chamine says that all negative emotions, including stress, are the result of internal saboteurs, those pesky voices in our heads that are anchored in a consciousness of fear.
After thousands of hours of individual coaching with hundreds of clients, I can say with confidence that since introducing clients to the 8-week program, it has accelerated the learning curve for lessening stress and overwhelm.
You'll discover that in only 8 weeks, you will:
Enhance performance with calm, confident, and competent presence
Train your brain to weaken the impact of negative chatter in your head
Restore a sense of balance and equilibrium
Improve relationships... personal and professional
Lower stress and define success... on your terms
What if all that were possible?
Imagine yourself:
Knocking it out of the park when it comes to building career-enhancing relationships
Impacting your culture in a positive way that aligns with your values
Collaborating with your team to achieve mutually-supportive goals.
Advancing your professional cachê within the organization.
Integrating the art, the heart, and soul of your leadership style
Don't take my word for it! Clients tell me that this program is life-changing and transformational.
Tricia (name used with her consent) wrote: "It has now been a month since I completed this program with Coach, Sheila Kelly. She told me that it would make a difference in my life, and it has. The course has given me the understanding to see others, their actions, and their motives through a different lens. When I discovered my top saboteurs, a light of comprehension went on in me. The program truly connected with me!"
"Jane" from Kansas said that this training gave her tools that she's never gotten through therapy.
"Carl" from Nova Scotia recommended this program to his colleagues with these words,, "The program has been nothing short of life-changing for me in terms of understanding my own internal negative wiring, and I've already noticed a massive in the 5 weeks I've done so far. Sheila is great, easy to chat with, and very insightful."
"Rhonda" from Ontario said that she stumbled on my program serendipitously and is so happy that she found it (or that it found her). "I'm getting a lot more done in less time and with no stress (well... most of the time!)"

Rosemary Davies-Janes
Founder - MIBOSO
Before I began working with Sheila… I was off my game. My usually high energy level was gone. I was not doing what I felt I should be doing in my personal and professional life. Going forward… I will leverage the shift that Sheila facilitated.

Peggy-Gates Hammond
Chartered Accountant
Coaching helps me chart the course from where I am to where I am going. I believe that everyone can benefit from having a coach from outside the organization. Sheila’s coaching has been incredibly invaluable, and I feel very lucky to have her as my coach.