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My name is Sheila Kelly


When I was about 6 years old, I set up a little desk in my parents' garage so I could teach the neighbourhood children. Following my dream to be a teacher, I got my first teaching job at a high school without even a job interview. My dream of teaching, however, got put on  the back burner when I moved to another province and found myself taking  "jobs" rather than pursuing my passion. The result was very unpretty, and I found myself hating my management job on the front lines of one of the toughest union environments in Canada. Because of that tough environment, I developed a grit that I wasn't aware I had. It took me awhile to figure out that girt and grace could co-exist. 


     Finally, at around age 50, I had a profound hit to the psyche and a subsequent awakening. It took 3 years of personal soul searching and transformation and then... I was ready. Through some serendipitous events, I heard of coaching and I got it, "This is the type of teaching I was meant to do"... helping others accelerate transformation.


     Since then, I've worked with hundreds of middle and senior managers (over thousands of hours) related to leadership. I've developed and delivered workshops on everything from difficult conversations and developing coaching skills to mindfulness and the law of attraction.


     Let me help you as you learn to recognize and SHIFT the different levels of consciousness available to you in every moment.  



The Credentials Thing


B.A. - Psychology, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

C.P.C.C. - Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Co-Active Training Institute, California

Positive Intelligence© Coach

Certified SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence Coach

True Purpose© Coach - True Purpose Institute, California

PSYCH-Kc Facilitator - PSYCH-K Centre International 

Collaborative Operating System facilitator

Barrett Values Centre facilitator 

A Course in Miracles volunteer group facilitator


Fun Stuff

Born in a car on the back roads of New Brunswick, Canada, on the way to the hospital, I seemed to be in a hurry to get on with this thing called life. Since that time, I haven't hesitated to do things a little differently, including being a pioneering coach at a time when people thought coaching was only about sports.  




I'm truly a life-long learner and have been privileged to study with many brilliant teachers.
In addition to learning from world-class trainers, I've been in live audiences with the likes of
Ben Zander, Debbie Ford, Marianne Williamson, Dan Pink, Lynn Twist, Guy Kawasaki,
Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Oliver Sacks, and Gary Renard.
My greatest teacher has been found in the wisdom of a book called
"A Course in Miracles"
Course taught me that I have an internal guidance system which 
has answers for my deepest questions.
I volunteered for many years as a Course facilitator here in Halifax Nova Scotia.

Sheila has a way…  no, more than that… a gift.. of asking thought-provoking questions that took me deeper into my own thoughts; yet not so deep that I was ever over my head. We were like dance partners, with Sheila allowing me to lead while she glided along with me, supporting me and sharing her experience, while never taking me off course. I did not realize the extent to which I would benefit nor that we would click as we did! Sheila was absolutely patient, sensitive, knowledgeable, an exceptional listener… and then some.  There were even some times when tears surfaced. Even when I tried to hide, Sheila found me and pulled me out! Although, for some, these qualities may be intimidating, I admire Sheila, knowing she always has the best interests of her clients at heart. In the end, I dubbed her a Soul Whisperer.


Charlene Thomas - Entrepreneur 

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