Readers gain layers of deep insights as the text toggles between Sheila's upbringing, societal teachings, and the situations they helped her create... to the 'behind the scenes' insights that taught her how to access self-love, self-compassion and deep inner peace."
- Carol Nash, Business Consultant, Reviewer
This is my story. It is the story of an ordinary woman living an ordinary life... an unhappy life that changed in an instant of awakening. Sheila M Kelly - Author
The content (of this book) has truly resonated with me. It is beautifully written. I have been struggling in my job as well for quite sometime, feeling unhappy, stuck and lacking confidence....filling me with a lot of stress and anxiety.....finding it spilling into other areas of my life.... I certainly plan to keep your book as a guiding reference....
Anne Marie Parks

It's been over 20 years, and I'm very happy to report that the happy ending continues as our son has blessed us by building a family with his beautiful wife and three amazing children. Being a grandmother is the BEST!
In 2021, I shared this book with a friend who, in the midst of the covid19 pandemic, was diagnosed with an acute form of leukemia. After sharing this book with her, she said that Chapter 10, in particular, reflected what she's going through.
If you, or someone you love, is facing, or have faced, those heartbreaking walks down chemo halls, perhaps this book will offer you hope through... and beyond,,, the treatments.
I share it with love and compassion.
As difficult as it was,
I feel privileged to have taken this journey with my son.
Sheila M. Kelly - Author