“I’m going to Christmas,” announced our 2.5 year old grandson from his car seat in the back of our SUV. As we drove around, we’d been commenting on the Christmas décor which had popped up on lawns across our city.
As if his comment wasn’t enough to melt my heart, he then asked, “Are you going to Christmas, Gammy and Gampy?”
We said we would.
I'll paraphrase the question that sprung from a little 2.5 year old and ask you: Will you go to Christmas?
Will you embrace the excitement, joy, and innocence that is the real promise of Christmas? Not the commercialism but the peace inspired by the birth of a child. Whether or not you’re religious, Christmas is a metaphor for birthing an inner peace which, in turn, births a different way of experiencing the world.
2020 has been tough on so many levels. For many, “going to Christmas” seems impossible.
On this winter solstice, when a Christmas star is shining in a way that hasn’t happened in 800 years, look up… if only for a moment… and go to Christmas in your heart.
This Gaelic blessing may help: Deep peace of the running waves to you, Deep peace of the flowing air to you, Deep peace of the quiet earth to you, Deep peace of the shining stars to you. May the road rise to meet you; May the wind be always at your back; May the sun shine warm upon your face; May the rain fall softly on your fields. Until we meet again, May Nature hold you in the hollow of her hand.